What are your concerns when buying silicone baby ...
What are your concerns when buying silicone baby products?
March 26, 2022 1 min read
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Silicone is a widely used plastic alternative in various baby feeding products due to its excellent mechanical properties, resistance to temperature fluctuations, and non-toxic nature.
However, putting all those desired benefits aside, the natural characteristics of silicone surfaces have made most parents hesitate before buying. The typical issues with silicone products are:
- Tacky after using for a while
- Collect fiber particles and lint.
- Easy to get stained.
- Soapy smell after washing in the dishwasher.
- Easily cracked.
This is because natural silicone has a high level of stickiness, making it sensitive to stains, odors, and dust and difficult to clean.
But what does it mean to Yooforea? As a Baby Feeding Products Producer, we have to overcome the challenges and take the responsibility to find a reliable and optimal solution.
Therefore, at Yooforea, we decided to work with industry experts to develop a strategy to improve undesirable silicone properties. So we found the UV treatment process. Since we are so proud of finding this solution, we want to share with you all about it.
What is UV treatment?
UV treatment is a solution that allows the production of smooth surfaces with permanently improved silicone properties.
Let’s put our lab coats on and talk about how UV treatment works. After Yooforea products formed into a solid shape and before packaging, we added an extra procedure where all products undergo a UV treatment process. During this process, the silicones were converted through irradiation with Ultraviolet to a silicon-inorganic material and formed a thin protective layer on the product surface without requiring an additional coating.
Silicone with UV treatment has a multiplicity of positive properties of silicone. The modified surface repels ions on stain particles, thereby preventing contamination or adhesion of stains. This also makes the surface easily cleanable and more effective in preventing the buildup of water spots.
Comparison of features with unmodified silicone products
UV treated Silicones
- The reduction of dirt adhesion
- A reduced surface tack
- A pleasant smooth touch feel
- Antibacterial
- Higher durability
- Easier to clean
- Non-yellowing
- Permanent surface improvement
- Widely used in the medical field
Unmodified Silicones
- Easy to crack
- Sticky feel
- Attract lint and dirt
- Bacterial adherent
- Easy to stain
- Subject to microbial infections
The improved Yooforea platinum silicone products are reliable upgraders. We hope our effort is helpful and reassuring for concerned parents.
At Yooforea, we are doing all we can and only want to provide the safest and healthiest options for our children—not only with products that are alternatives to traditional chemical-leaching plastics, but we also want the best and the most superior replacements in many ways.
So, let’s explore more safe and trusted options at Yooforea!
Let's Talk About Silicone!
In a world that’s currently drowning in its own waste, we must find solutions to tackle plastic pollution. Our Oceans, home to some of the most amazing species on earth, are also home to over 5.2 trillion pieces of plastic polluting this incredible ecosystem.
At Gosili, we’re all about finding solutions to mitigate plastic pollution— and silicone is one of the answers to addressing one of our planet’s greatest issues. Why? Because silicone is straight-up amazing and far superior to plastic. It’s ultra-durable, non-toxic, and more eco-friendly than plastic. But we still see lots of confusion around silicone, what it is, and where it comes from.
We love silicone, and we want you to love it too! For that reason, we’re putting together the ultimate guide to silicone. We’re shedding some light on the awesomeness of silicone and why it’s the perfect alternative to reduce plastic waste.
What is Silicone?
No, silicone is NOT plastic. Silicone is actually made from 4 main components— silicon (sand), carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. All of these components are abundant on our planet. In fact, silicon is the second most abundant element on the planet’s surface.
To be turned into your favorite reusables, the silicon is processed with an organic compound called methyl chloride. Then with some water to get rid of the atoms of chlorine. This process creates the silicone as you know it— durable, non-toxic, and simply awesome. ¹
But why are we so hyped about silicone? Let’s compare:
The best option is clearly silicone— better for you, for your health, and for the planet. Go silicone!
But How Durable Is It Really?
Reusable silicone products have the potential to minimize lots of waste. Think about it, plastic (even the reusable kind) has a short life span. It quickly breaks or gets foggy, cracked, scratched, stained, and smelly— yuck!
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On the other hand, silicone is endlessly reusable. Like, forever. It’s extremely resistant to heat, cold, and quick temperature fluctuations. You can safely put it in the microwave, dishwasher, or boil it. It doesn’t break down or deteriorate even in the harshest conditions. No stains. No odors. No cracks. Simply awesome.
But why does it even matter? Well, in our current culture, everything is meant to be disposable. It’s built to NOT last so you have to constantly buy more and more. This also contributes in creating more and more waste (while draining all your savings).
Silicone is built to last. Think of it as those stainless steel pans that are so durable they get passed on generation after generation. Silicone is the same dynamic. It’s so resistant and high-quality it can be used for years and years to come.
Less need for new things = less waste = less environmental impact.
Is Silicone Safe For Kids?
For sure! Silicone is as safe as safe gets. No toxic chemicals leaching onto your food (looking at you, plastic) and no pores that harvest bacteria. It’s hypoallergenic and hygienic. Plus, you don’t need to worry about chemicals like BPA.
Plastic is linked to endless health and environmental issues. For this and many other reasons— it’s smart to GoSili!
Can Silicone be Recycled?
Yes, you can recycle silicone, but not all facilities do it. This doesn’t mean your Gosili products won’t be recycled. If you’re done with your silicone goodies, simply send them to us and we’ll do the recycling for you.
Recycling facilities can recycle silicone but they’re too caught up trying to recycle the endless amounts of plastic waste. This keeps them from taking small amounts of silicone to recycle. To solve this, we collect and store all the silicone you send when you’re done with it, and once we have a big enough amount, facilities are able to recycle it for us.
By adopting this circular model and taking responsibility for the end life of our products, we’re growing our impact one step further.
Ready to recycle your silicone products? Check out the details here.
What About the Environment?
Plastic is toxic from the moment of its birth and until its last breath. It pollutes the air when being made, and also pollutes soil and water when it’s waste. Plus, it fills our oceans with waste. In the water, it breaks down into tiny plastic particles that poison fish, birds, and eventually… us.
Silicone is the ocean-friendly alternative to plastic.
Because silicone is so resilient, it won’t break down into harmful tiny particles that are impossible to clean up. It is also non-toxic to sea creatures or the soil and water. If it’s incinerated, instead of creating a toxic cloud of harmful chemicals, it creates silicon, water, and carbon dioxide.
A Quick Silicone FAQ
Let’s tackle those common questions you might have about silicone.
1. Can I put silicone in the dishwasher?
Yes! It’s safe for both the top rack and bottom rack. Go for it.
2. What about the oven? Can my silicone tumblers go in the microwave?
Yup— that’s fine too. And if you’re trying to sterilize it, simply boil it. Silicone endures extreme heat and cold perfectly.
3. Will silicone break if I drop it?
Nope. You can drop it or squeeze it really hard— silicone can take it.
Ready to GoSili!?
The enormous amounts of waste we’re currently creating is having a major impact on our environment. We refuse to sit back and watch our oceans drown in plastic pollution. The solution? Reusable, highly durable silicone products that replace your everyday plastic items.
But replacing plastic with a way better alternative is not our only mission. We’re prompting people like you to step away from the all-things-disposable way of living and switch to a more sustainable lifestyle. Let’s prioritize durable items instead of buying disposable ones. Together we can beat plastic pollution!
Help us reduce and divert waste from our oceans— shop for our products here!
Do you have any questions about silicone? Let us know in the comments!
1. https://sehsc.americanchemistry.com/sehsc/What-Are-Silicones/
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit silicone baby product.
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