How much honey for 1 gallon of mead?
Making Mead: Tips from the Pros - Brew Your Own
Brewer: Gordon Hull is President and Meadmaker at Heidrun Meadery, Humboldt County, CA.
Getting Started:
Making delicious mead at home is not difficult if you understand the fundamentals of homebrewing. Starting simple affords the greatest likelihood of a positive outcome and creates a baseline for experimentation with future batches. A good beginner batch is two US gallons of traditional semi-sweet still mead with a target alcohol content of 16% by volume. This recipe needs two quarts (4 pounds) of amber honey.
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Choosing Your Honey: Honey color is a reasonable indicator of nutrient content and flavor intensity; too light and you may have fermentation problems, too dark and the meads flavor might be overpowering. The floral source of the honey is not critical for novices, though it should be noted for future reference. If the honey has a pleasant aroma and flavor it should work fine.
To obtain honey, contact a local beekeeper, farmers market or organic food store. Select unfiltered, unheated and unpasteurized honey, as these processes rob honey of essential yeast nutrients and other flavor components.
Our Procedure:
For two gallons of mead, add 7 quarts of non-chlorinated water to a 3-gallon (minimum) kettle. Bring to a boil, then shut off the heat and remove the kettle from the burner. Slowly stir the honey into the hot water. Make sure none of it sticks to the bottom or sides of the kettle where it might scald. Once all the honey is dissolved, put the kettle on high heat and cover. Stir occasionally.
A white foam will appear before boiling commences. This is protein and beeswax from the honey. Skim it off with a strainer and discard. Remove the lid to avoid messy boilovers. Continue skimming throughout the boil until the foam stops forming. This takes less than fifteen minutes. By now you have killed the wild yeast or microorganisms that might harm your final product. You have also removed most of the colloidal material that creates haze. The boil is finished after 15 minutes or when no more (over very little) foam appears, which ever comes first.
Remove the kettle from the burner and replace the lid. Cool the must to fermentation temperature (70° to 72° F) as quickly as possible. Once you hit the right temperature, rack to your fermenter.
Add 8 grams of Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) yeast nutrient and 4 mg. of vitamin B1 (you can get Vitamin B1 tablets at homebrew shops). Or add a dosage of pre-mixed wine yeast nutrient like Fermaid-K in the quantity recommended by the manufacturer. Aerate the must before pitching your yeast. Do this in the same manner you would with a batch of homebrew. Now pitch the yeast. I recommend Champagne yeast like Red Stars Premier Cuvee. One small packet, prepared and pitched according to manufacturers recommendations, works great.
Try to maintain a steady temperature of 70° F throughout primary fermentation.
Primary fermentation takes a week to several months. This depends on many conditions. Once the yeast flocculates and you see reasonable clarity, rack off the lees to a second vessel, then place in a cool location. Allow two more months of further clarification, then rack once more before bottling.
If this mead is too dry, you can add some honey before bottling. This should be done according to your own taste, but allow an additional month in an airlocked fermenter before bottling. This protects you from a secondary fermentation and exploding bottles.
Brewer: Jon Hamilton is president and head meadmaker of White Winter Winery in Iron River, WI
About the Honey:
Procure a good grade of honey. I prefer a white or water white honey for my sweet and dry meads. This honey usually has a nectar source of clover, trefoil, basswood, or something similar, and is usually early season honey. In general, early season honey is lighter in color and flavor. Later season honey (such as golden rod) is darker and heavier. Some mead makers prefer this heavier flavor. I suggest you try both and decide for yourself. You might also be lucky enough to find a varietal honey such as orange blossom. These can impart subtle, intriguing variations in your mead, especially if fermented with a yeast strain that enhances the flavor profile (one example of this is premier cuvee).
Use 1.5 to 5 pounds of honey per gallon, depending on your target for residual sweetness and alcohol content. The more honey, the more residual sweetness and the greater potential for a high, final alcohol content.
Yeast Choice:
Use a good grade of yeast, one with a killer factor to overwhelm other wild yeasts. Some yeasts are known as killer yeasts because they suppress the growth of other yeasts. I suggest Lalvin E.C.-, or Pasteur Champagne.
Keep fermentation temps up to around 70° or 75° F. Fermentation should last between 10 to 20 days. Rack into a conditioning vessel and bulk age for 3 to 6 months. Bottle, then enjoy now and again to see how its progressing.
Potential Problems:
The most common problems I see with homebrewed meads are low acid and too high of an alcohol content. The primary goal should be to balance the alcohol with acidity and residual sweetness. If you are shooting for a high alcohol thats fine, but balance it so it is drinkable. A high alcohol content in and of itself does not make good mead. Generally speaking, the higher the residual sweetness the higher the final total acid should be. You can purchase an acid test kit at your home brew store. A sweet mead could be as high as .85% or 8.5 grams per liter while a dry melomel is as low as .6% or 6 grams per liter. Sweetness and acid are a taste thing. They are different for everyone and thats part of the fun of making wine * juggling your tastes and retesting until the final product is good enough for you.
Traditional meads have very low acid levels because honey has very low acid levels. This can be corrected by adding acid blend powder or lemon or lime juice to reach those acid levels mentioned above, though taste will have a lot to do with how much you actually add. The juice is not as easy to measure and duplicate as the standardized acid blend, but I like the flavor complexity it imparts better. Add juice or acid blend prior to the yeast pitch to help create a more hospitable environment for the yeast, then re-check the levels at the end of fermentation to adjust the final balance. Use acid blend on the back side for accuracy of final titrations.
The other problems for homebrewers are lack of nutrients and underpitching of yeast. Both of these lead to stuck fermentations. I recommend 1-2 grams of nutrient per liter of must and 10 grams of yeast per 5-6 gallon batch.
Brewer: Bob Sorenson of Native Wines in Mount Pleasant, UT
Native Honey:
We prefer strongly flavored honeys, unlike those from plants like clover or other single-source honeys. These make very mild, sweet and one-dimensional meads. We prefer honey gathered from various, uncultivated sources. These sources might be native flowers, bushes or trees. What we end up with is very complex honey that is filled with all kinds of nutrients.
About Boiling:
There are two methods of handling honey. One is boiling, the other is not to boil. Both methods are valid and professionals do it either way. But I never boil. By not boiling, I create more complex mead, where you can smell the nectar in the finished product. Boiling takes the high notes off the mead.
Our Method:
Our honey is raw and never heated. We mix it with cold water, always measuring sugar content until we get a reading of 21° Brix (1.090 specific gravity). We never add chemicals. Once we reach 21° Brix, we add yeast. Our yeast is a strain I cultivated locally while making Elderberry wine. I simply cultivated the wild yeast off the berry skins.
Our mead is dry, meaning we let it ferment down to 0° Brix (1.000 SG). The only way to make a stable sweet mead is by adding preservatives like sulfites or sorbates. These cut off fermentation and leave residual sweetness behind. The average mead recipe calls for 3 to 3.5 pounds of honey per gallon of finished mead, depending on the sugar content of the honey. This makes strong mead in the range of 14 percent alcohol. Since we dont boil or filter the mead, clarity usually comes between 9 and 12 months of maturation in French oak casks. These are old casks, so they dont impart much oak into the mead.
Time in a Bottle:
Aging is the most important step for dry meads. I recommend at least two years of aging, but I prefer four or five years, if possible. All that time in a bottle helps take the green edge off.
One Gallon Homemade Mead Recipe - Simple And Delicious
When you make mead, you're joining a tradition that's been around for centuries it was the drink of choice for vikings, and the honey wine is gaining in massive popularity today.
Still, mead is hard to find at the store and even harder to find exactly the kind of mead you'd like to try at the store (and there are a LOT of different varieties).
Luckily, it's super easy and delicious! to make your own mead at home.
Once you've mastered the basic recipe, you can start adding fruits and spices or you can make a cyser (apple mead) or pyment (grape mead).
What is mead?
Mead is wine made out of honey and water. If you can imagine the floral hints of honey without all the sweetness that's a bit what mead tastes like. But it can be as sweet or as dry as you'd like!
It's been around since viking times, but it's as good today as it was way back then. Plus, all you need is honey, water, and yeast to make it (and you can make your own customizable viking drinking horn later).
After a few weeks, you'll have a deliciously alcoholic (usually 10% to 12% ABV) honey wine on your hands!
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It can be made with different types of honey, depending on the flavor you want to achieve. You can also infuse your mead with fresh fruit, herbs, and spices (lavender-infused mead is pretty lovely) so the possibilities are really up to you.
All the Equipment Youll Need
First, youll need a glass gallon carboy this is where you'll store your mead while it ferments. If you don't have a glass carboy, any food-grade, sanitized gallon container will work.
Youll also need an airlock and rubber stopper, which will make sure that carbonation can escape from your mead while it is fermenting, but also prevent anything bad from getting into your mead. You can grab all of this in a meadmaking starter kit.
Gathering Your Ingredients
Besides water and (optionally) a bit of your tea of choice for flavor, you'll also need honey! The type of honey you use will partially determine the flavor of your mead. Feel free to use a flavorful honey, like clover or orange blossom you'll be able to taste the delicate flavors of the honey in your wine.
Not all of us have apiaries near us, but if you can use local honey, that's awesome, too. We love supporting our local beekeepers.
In order to start the fermentation process, youll need a wine yeast. In this recipe, we use the brewsy bag, which is a combination of an industry-exclusive wine yeast, nutrients for healthy yeast, energizer for a quick and hearty fermentation, potassium bicarbonate (to reduce strong, acidic flavors), malolactic culture (to make your wine smoother) and bentonite (a clarifier for sparkling clear wine). It's the only way to ensure that you have a reliably strong and successful fermentation.
How Much Honey Should I Use?
In this recipe, you can choose exactly how sweet you'd like your wine to be. We'll go over it in further detail later, but we recommend using between two and three pounds of honey per gallon of mead 2 pounds if you want it on the dryer side, and 3 pounds if you'd like it to be sweeter.
How to Make Mead: Full Recipe
Okay, now let's get started!
Step 1: Preparation
First, heat up the honey and water in a pot on the stove until the honey is completely dissolved.
Stir the honey and water mixture well, and let it cool to about 90°F. Make sure it's not too hot when it's time to add the yeast, you don't want to kill it! Yeast is a living organism, and can only survive at temperatures below 110°F.
Once the honey and water mixture has cooled, add your wine yeast or brewsy bag.
Then, shake it all up! You'll want to shake it up for about 30 seconds it's a good workout, too.
Step Two: Fermentation
Pour the mixture into your clean glass gallon carboy, and attach the airlock. Insert the stopper into the top of the gallons bottleneck, and fill the airlock with water.
Then, fermentation begins! Put your mead in a warm, dark place.
Your mead will start to ferment within 24 to 48 hours, and will continue doing so for about a week (sometimes longer). You'll know it's done when the bubbling has slowed down significantly (fermentation creates carbon dioxide, which causes bubbling in the airlock).
The fermentation usually takes about 7 days, but your mead might bubble as long as two weeks! Thats totally fine the longer your mead ferments, the more sugar your yeast are eating and the dryer and more alcoholic your mead will become.
When in doubt, taste-test your mead for sweetness, and then go onto the next step when your mead tastes dry enough for your liking. If it still tastes too sweet, let it keep fermenting for several more days until it tastes more dry.
Step Three: Filtering Your Mead
Once the bubbling has slowed down significantly, it's time to get rid of the lees (that's the sediment that has settled at the bottom of your carboy) and prep your mead to be enjoyed!
We definitely don't want any yeasty particles in our wine, so we're going to get rid of them by first forcing any leftover yeasty bits to the bottom of the container.
A great way to do this it simply to pop your mead in the fridge! Keep it in there for at least two days. The cold forces any leftover particles to fall to the bottom of your container.
After that, you'll need to filter (or 'rack') your mead. To do this, simply pour your mead off of the lees (all that cloudy sediment that will show up at the bottom) at into another container. You can also grab a siphon for a totally mess-free transfer (which can be tricky if you're not used to it, but super effective!)
Optionally, you might want to use a clarifying agent, which works on the molecular level to bind to small particles in your mead particles that might lead to yeasty, bitter flavors. Every Brewsy kit comes with a clarifying agent to rid your wine of any off-flavors and make it sparkling clear.
Step Four: Bottling Your Mead
Many meadmakers believe that aging helps to bring out the subtle flavors in the honey, resulting in a more delicious final product. But some people prefer the bright flavor of young mead!
We recommend having a glass now, and saving a few bottles for later (this recipe will yield 4 750mL regular-sized wine bottles). You can compare the taste of younger and aged meads, and see which one you like better!
We hope you enjoy this recipe for basic mead be sure to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to find what works best for you. Mead is a really versatile drink, and meadmaking is truly an art. Don't be afraid to get creative, and happy brewing!
So, let the meadmaking and experimentation begin! Get started with a Brewsy meadmaking kit, which has all the tools you need to guarantee delicious and reliable mead (or cyser or whatever you'd like!) every time you make it! (and use code MEAD15 for 15% off, too).
For more honey brewing equipmentinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
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