Why is Phenolic Duct Insulation Better?
Oct. 21, 2024
Phenolic Duct Specification - Thermaduct Round and Flat Oval
Weight Savings - Save Your Energy in the Field
Ductwork made out of rigid phenolic foam can provide significant weight savings on your project. Indoor systems offer the highest savings, with rectangular, round and flat oval systems all capable of providing over a 70% reduction in weight compared with sheet metal wrapped in fiberglass.
High R-Values - Superior Thermal Performance
Phenolic has an excellent thermal performance with some of the best R- values per inch of insulation available on the market .This superior insulating efficiency means that the required R-value can be achieved with thinner insulation that are highly resistant to heat transfer. This results in reduced energy consumption and lower operating costs for your applications. With the increasing pressure of energy codes always moving towards more insulation, Phenolic duct systems provide solutions that dont only meet todays code requirements but those of the future too.
Space Saving - Tight Spaces are No Problem!
Phenolic ductwork is pre-insulated, which means it does not require any additional insulation wrapping. Because of this, space requirements are minimal and duct can be installed in tighter places, including flush to ceilings and walls to free up more space where every square inch matters. You may also need fewer hangers to contend with depending on the size of the ductwork.
Lower Air Leakage - Cut Energy Costs
Pre-Insulated phenolic ductwork assembled and installed in line with the SMACNA Phenolic Duct Construction Standards can easily achieve anything between a SMACNA Class 1 and SMACNA Class 3 leakage rating. The long term benefits of this lower air leakage can include reduced runtime on HVAC equipment over the life of the system therefore bigger energy savings, better Indoor air quality with phenolics smooth aluminum interior and improved comfort.
UL 181 Listed Safety - 25/50 Fire and Smoke Performance
Some Phenolic Ductwork systems have gone through extensive UL testing to achieve a UL 181 Listed status, starting with - Kingspan KoolDuct back in . This is an extensive and rigorous series of tests and ongoing inspections that covers many aspects of safety and product durability - structural testing, pressure testing, mold and bacteria growth, static load and flame and smoke spread, among others.
Phenolic Duct Systems: Pros and Cons
Phenolic Duct Systems: Pros and Cons
By: JADE Learning | Jan 06,
Phenolic insulation is an alternative to galvanized sheet metal. Many HVAC professionals have turned to this option when installing or replacing duct systems. Learn about some of the pros and cons of phenolic duct systems to determine if it might be right for your project.
Pros of Phenolic Duct Systems
Some of the advantages that make a phenolic duct system viable for HVAC professionals include:
Lighter weight
. Phenolic duct systems weigh considerably less than steel or fiberglass systems. The reduced weight of phenolic systems is ideal for replacement projects in old buildings that may have a hard time supporting the weight of a metal system.
Longer sections
. Phenolic duct systems come in longer lengths than metal, making them easier and faster to transport and install.
Saves space
. Because theres no need to install a separate layer of insulation on a phenolic setup, it can be installed flush against ceilings,
, and floors.
Easy to modify
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. Phenolic systems are flexible and easy to modify to adapt to unusual designs and improvisations.
Easy to integrate
. Phenolic systems can easily integrate with existing metal duct
so you dont need to tear down an entire system just to replace one particular section.
Easy to install
. Phenolic ducts are a single-fix installation with no need to install insulation as a separate step, saving both time and money during the installation process.
For home and building owners, using a phenolic duct system brings a host of additional benefits such as fire and smoke resistance, low air leakage, better air quality, and increased efficiency and energy savings.
Cons of Phenolic Duct Systems
The many benefits of phenolic duct systems easily outweigh the few disadvantages, which include:
Strength and durability
. The alternative, galvanized metal duct systems, are strong and durable and provide a long-lasting system that is difficult to puncture or damage.
. While phenolic ducts are rising in popularity, traditional metal systems remain the most common. As such, the materials and labor may be easier to come by
for traditional systems
Improve Your HVAC Knowledge
The tradeoffs of phenolic duct systems are just one of the many things you can learn from HVAC continuing education from JADE Learning. Learn more about how JADE Learning helps thousands of HVAC professionals renew their license every year and how we can help you, too.
Contact us to discuss your requirements of Phenolic Duct Insulation. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
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