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outdoor-misting-fans - AllOutCool

Author: Evelyn

Jul. 29, 2024

outdoor-misting-fans - AllOutCool

HAIYANG Product Page

What Makes a Great
Outdoor Misting Fan

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The Benefits of a Misting Fan

In a hot, dry area with some air movement, the evaporative cooling of a fine mist from a high-pressure misting system can cool the air by up to 30°. For this to happen, the air must be dry and hot enough and the mist must be fine enough for the mist droplets to evaporate completely. The cooling effect diminishes when these are not ideal.

A misting fan can help with that. Combining a coarser mist from a lower pressure system with a fan helps move that heavier mist, allowing it to evaporate more completely and cool more effectively.

Add the cooling effect of the fan itself, and there is the potential for some serious cooling. The airflow from the fan can add a wind chill effect, making the moist air feel even cooler. This is true whether the weather is dry or humid.

How a Misting Fan Works

A Simple Example

Have you noticed how cool you feel when you step out of a bath or shower? That cooling effect comes from the water evaporating from your skin. Have you noticed how extra cool you feel when you step out of the shower with a window open, or from a pool on a windy day? That extra cooling comes from the water evaporating from your skin plus the breeze. That is the kind of cooling potential you get with outdoor misting fans.

Outdoor misting fans may have first been brought to the public&#;s awareness in the s at the sidelines of professional sports teams, keeping the athletes cool.

Images of highly trained athletes suited up in layers of sports gear, performing at their peak in the blistering heat is enough to make anyone appreciate being able to watch in the comfort of an air conditioned building. And seeing them run over to stand in front of a powerful mist-blowing fan to cool off enough to go do it again and win the game will definitely get your attention.

The effects of water pressure on a misting fan

The higher the water pressure used and the more powerful the fan, the more effective the cooling in both dry and humid weather. The superfine mist created by the high pressure and tiny nozzles evaporates mid-air, cooling the air immediately in front of the fan. Then the fan moves the cooled air out on its breeze.

The lower the water pressure, the less water will evaporate. As less water evaporates into the air, there will be less chilled air for the fan to move. But the fan helps compensate for that &#; you will still feel additional cooling from the breeze created by the fan.

More powerful fans can move some of the un-evaporated water of a lower pressure mist. If some of this &#;wet&#; mist lands on you, you&#;ll still feel some cooling from the water evaporating from your skin by the fan&#;s breeze. With lower water pressures, you&#;ll need to be closer to the fan to get this effect.

So is the best solution to get the most powerful fan with the highest water pressure?

Not necessarily. If you&#;re relaxing out on your patio, you really won&#;t want a high power system practically blowing you and your stuff into the neighbor&#;s yard! And if you&#;re playing or working hard out on a field, the gentle breeze and soft mist of a low power unit probably won&#;t be enough to cool down you and your whole group.

How to Choose a Misting Fan

Working in Harmony: The Fan, The Mist, & The Setup

  1. Look for a balance of:
    &#; The Fan &#; how strong of a breeze can it make?
    &#; The Mist &#; can you get by with getting a little wet and cool a smaller area, or do you need total evaporation for a larger area?
    &#; The Setup &#; how you set up the fan can have a big impact on how well it cools
  2. Decide what you want in
    &#; Features
    &#; Appearance
    &#; Portability
  3. Simple Maintenance will KEEP it a great fan

Read comments from others who have used that fan or others like it. Contact the seller, rental company, or manufacturer with any questions before you buy.

The Fan

The fan is the backbone of an outdoor misting fan. It often supports the lines and nozzles of the mist system. It blows the mist. When the air is too humid for cooling from the mist to be effective, the fan alone can provide needed cooling. So look for a fan that creates a good air flow.

Outdoor misting fans are great for spot cooling because they cool the area immediately around them. If you&#;re in an open field or an open patio, you&#;ll want to put the fan where you need it most and plan your activities right around it, especially if it uses a low pressure mist. If you&#;re outdoors playing or working hard and can&#;t put the fan right where you&#;re working or playing, take occasional breaks to go over to the fan and bask in the cool breeze.

You&#;ll probably want a more powerful fan if you&#;re working or playing hard than you&#;ll want if you&#;re just relaxing.

You can also cool down a partially enclosed area like a patio or tent with one to three closed sides. The measurement of a fan&#;s air flow (CFM / CMM &#; &#;cubic feet per minute&#; / &#;cubic meters per minute&#;) can help you figure out how much cooling you&#;ll need for these more enclosed areas. Manufacturers that have measured their outdoor fans for CFM/CMM will display this information.

The amount of airflow, &#;CFM&#; needed to cool an area is about 3 to 4 times the area.

For example: If you&#;re holding an outdoor event for 10 people in a tent that&#;s 10&#; x10&#; x10&#; (1,000 cubic feet), you&#;ll need an outdoor fan with about 3,000 to 4,000 CFM (1,000 cubic feet x 3-4).

In international measurements: If you&#;re holding an event for 10 people in a tent that&#;s 3m x 3m x 3m (27 cubic meters) you&#;ll need an outdoor fan with about 81 to 108 CMM.

The Mist

The quality of the mist depends largely on the amount of water pressure used for the misting system. The misting system is basically made up of the water lines and nozzles and an optional pump. The higher the water pressure the finer the mist and the more completely it will evaporate. It&#;s this complete evaporation that provides the most cooling. Some water droplets of a low pressure system might not evaporate completely. Some droplets will even fall to the ground and can leave a wet spot or puddle. This means less water in the air and less evaporative cooling.

Hose fed outdoor misting fans work with the low pressure of a typical current provided by your water company, usually less than 120 psi (pounds per square inch). These are often called patio misting fans and are great to use near your house. Mid pressure systems will be in the range of 300-500 psi, and the most effective evaporation will be in the &#; psi range of a high pressure system. Mid and high pressure systems use a pump to increase the water pressure.

Many outdoor misting fans have a water tank that lets you use the fan even where a hose isn&#;t available. The water needs some degree of pressure just to draw it up into the lines and out the nozzles. These fans need at least a low pressure &#;booster&#; pump (up to 200 psi). You can probably estimate about 50-100 psi (similar to a household water current) to draw up the water. A typical 200 psi pump would leave you with about 100-150 psi for the actual mist &#; equivalent to a low pressure system. Outdoor misting fans fed by water tanks are also available with mid and high pressure pumps.

If an outdoor misting fan uses a pump to create a very fine, effective mist, you can be pretty sure it will be mentioned in the product description, and it will be reflected in the price. If a fan&#;s product description doesn&#;t mention a pump or tell you the water pressure, you should assume it works with low water pressure and provides a lower degree of evaporative cooling.

Your best assurance of the most effective mist cooling is a misting fan&#;s use of a high-pressure pump.

People sometimes want to avoid the use of a pump. Pumps add to the cost, weight, and noise of outdoor misting fans and require some maintenance. But because they increase the mist&#;s cooling ability so dramatically, many people want a pump once they understand how it impacts the quality of the mist.

To use multiple fans, expect to need a pump. The water to EACH fan needs enough pressure to push the water up through the lines and out the nozzles. Dividing the water from one source to supply multiple fans lowers the water pressure to each fan. If you don&#;t want the water dripping out of the nozzles, it might be a good idea to get a mid- or high-pressure pump, lines, and nozzles. A high pressure pump of psi would divide the pressure among several fans without a crippling drop in pressure.

To learn more about pumps that work with misting systems, visit our section on misting pumps.

Setup Tips for Your Misting Fan

  • Flush out the water lines before the first use. This will get rid of any debris that could clog the nozzles before you ever use the fan.
  • Set up the fan in an area where any puddling or wet mist won&#;t cause any damage.
  • Set a standing fan up on a level, even surface in a location where it won&#;t get tipped over. Be sure nothing obstructs the airflow.
  • The more debris and minerals in your water, the more the nozzles will clog. A water filter can cut down on this. Clogs can be cleared on larger nozzles with a pin. Smaller nozzles can be soaked in a cleaner (like vinegar) that will dissolve the deposits.
  • Be aware breezes will have an effect. You can help your fan by pointing it in the direction of any breezes &#; soft breezes can extend the distance of air flow. A strong breeze can overpower it. Breezes may have more effect on the fine mist of a high pressure fan than on a low pressure fan.
  • Humidity can also affect the cooling distance. Generally, the more humid the weather, the less &#;reach&#; the mist will have and the less cooling effect water evaporation will have. Drier weather is best for outdoor misting fans and will allow the mist to travel further.
  • With low pressure fans, you may find that adjusting the water pressure will have an effect on the kind of mist you get. With the water on full blast you may find the mist wetter with more puddling or vice versa. Try turning the water up or down to see how that affects the quality.

Outdoor misting fans must be rated for outdoor use. No matter how &#;dry&#; the mist might be, moisture can get into the fan motor. An outdoor / wet rating means it&#;s been tested to run safely around water.

Helpful Misting Fan Features

Many of an outdoor misting fan&#;s features are just like other outdoor fans. We list the features that are more specific to outdoor misting fans.

Quiet Pump & Motor

Low-pressure hose-fed misting fans typically run very quietly. Since some water pressure is supplied by the the water company, no pump is needed for these. So, the mist system will create no noise to speak of, and low- to mid- power fans generally have rather small, quiet motors. Running them on lower speeds can keep the noise level to a minimum. These are good for smaller areas and more intimate settings.

More powerful fans and those that use high-pressure pumps will naturally be louder as the power increases. The most powerful ones can be quite loud. These may be best set back from main activities and used as a &#;cooling zone&#; where people can take occasional breaks to cool off. These are the kinds you might see on the sidelines of a sports field.

Read our page on misting system pumps for more information.

Drain valves

allow any water to drain out of the lines and nozzles when the unit is turned off. This helps prevent clogging by reducing mineral build-up from any standing water.
An &#;optional mist&#; feature lets you turn off the mist and run the fan by itself. This can save water and energy. If your weather grows more humid you&#;ll get less of a cooling effect from the mist. Turning it off means you don&#;t add even more humidity to the air, and you&#;ll still be able to get a lot of cooling from the fan.

Read our page on lines & fittings for more information.

Estimated Water Use

The product descriptions of outdoor misting fans that use water tanks will let you know how many gallons of water they use per hour (GPH). When combined with the size of the water tank you can estimate how long you&#;ll be able to run the mist before needing to refill the tank.

Hose fed misting fans use about 1/2 gallon of water per hour.

Automatic Shut-off

Misting fans that use tanks for water sources will typically include an automatic shut off valve that shuts off the water pump when the tank is out of water. This protects your pump from any damage from overheating.


One of the main things that can affect the smooth running of outdoor misting fans is a clog created by minerals in the water. Some fans and almost all pumps include a water filter, which will need to be replaced from time to time. You can also purchase a water filter separately. Look for filters that will screen out large sediment particles that can clog water lines and damage pumps. Also look for filters that will trap superfine calcium particles that can get up into the nozzles and clog them.

If no filter is available and your misting fans uses a tank-fed water source, use distilled water which has 99.9% of all minerals removed.

What&#;s a &#;Shroud&#;?

Many fans have a simple cage that creates a safe space around the fan blades. Some fans also have a shroud, which is a barrier that looks like a frame encircling the cage and blades. See the picture of the soccer player and misting fan, above. This shroud helps direct the air and mist flow and ensures the cool air doesn&#;t drift off toward the sides of the fan. The cool air stays more concentrated in the area in front of the fan blades. If you want the cool air to drift around the area of the fan you won&#;t want a shroud. But if you want concentrated cooling in one focused area a shroud can help you achieve that.

Conversion Kits: Turn Your Ordinary
Outdoor Fan into a Misting Fan

These simple kits allow you to turn your ordinary outdoor / wet rated fan into a misting fan. The fan must be wet rated, meaning it is built with special safety features to handle the combination of water and electricity.

These kits contain the water line, nozzles and nozzle ring, a connector to a hose or tank, and ties that anchor them to the fan. You simply tie the nozzle ring onto the cage in front of your fan&#;s blades, connect it to a water source and turn it on separately from the fan.

You can find versions that have flexible nozzle rings &#; low cost. The ring can twist, changing the direction of the mist, so you may need to reposition it from time to time. These kits typically work with the low pressure of a garden hose, booster pump or mid-pressure pump (up to 200 psi) of a tank fed misting fan.

More durable and more expensive are metal rings that don&#;t twist and will last for many years. These typically work with low- to mid-pressure systems, but some work with high-pressure as well.

Does Your Misting Fan Need to Look Good?

Outdoor misting fans are typically designed for function over aesthetics. Corrosion resistant finishes, aluminum and heavy duty plastics stand up to the outdoors. Lightweight materials and construction mean you can move the fan wherever it needs to go. A misting fan used in a garage, warehouse, or park doesn&#;t usually needs to look great.

But some patio misting fans are designed with more consideration of their appearance since these are usually used around the home. A few manufacturers have created some designs specifically to complement your decor.

Portable Misting Fans

Low-pressure outdoor misting fans are lightweight and can be moved from front to back yard, from one side of the yard to another. Their light weight makes it easy to fine tune the location, moving them a couple of feet closer or further away.

Although they&#;re pretty easy to move around, the lightest ones may also be likely to tip over. These may need weights on the base or to be positioned out of the way or in a protected area.

Outdoor misting fans that use a water tank free you from a water hose. In fact, if you use a generator to supply electricity for these, you can take them almost anywhere.

But tanks and generators add weight. If the fan has a high pressure mist there will be the added weight of the pump. You may have to fill the tank before moving the fan, so just be aware the added water can make the fan&#;s system very heavy. And generators and pumps add noise. With contained units, you can&#;t move the noisy components away from the fan or your activities. But you can consider using a screen around the components to dampen the noise if it is an issue.

Most tank fed misting fans already include wheels or carts that allow for easier transport of these fans and their supplies. If your fan doesn&#;t include these, look for a separate dolly or cart with wide wheels if you&#;ll be moving it across soft surfaces like grass.

Simple Maintenance Will Protect Your Misting Fan

Care of outdoor misting fans is pretty simple. Unplug it, drain it, cover it, bring it indoors when not in use. Part of being built for outdoor use is corrosion-resistant materials and finishes that stand up to outdoor environments. But keeping them covered or bringing them indoors when not in use for awhile will keep them looking and functioning their best for as long as possible.

The mist lines and nozzles should be drained and cleaned from time to time to prevent mineral buildup that can cause clogging. Occasionally check for leaks.

If your fan uses a pump you&#;ll want to take good care of it. A well-maintained pump can last for years. Basic pump maintenance involves changing its oil and filter from time to time. Some pumps will need additional maintenance. For example, their seals may need to be inspected and replaced, if necessary. Other pump features, like valves, switches, and regulators also need to be checked regularly and either cleaned or replaced. Your fan will come with a maintenance manual that will tell you exactly how and when to do these simple tasks. Also check the manual for any warranties or recommended service locations.

Comments Are a Helpful Part of a Misting Fan&#;s Description

Solid information about outdoor misting fans can be hard to find. Sellers may describe the fan components in detail. But information about the quality of the mist system and how it works with the fan is almost non-existent. You might feel you&#;ve hit the jackpot if you come across a crumb of marketing text that says, &#;dry mist.&#; But with little definition of the term and nothing to back up that claim (such as the use of a pump), you could end up with a puddle on the floor and little cooling from the mist.

Remember, if a fan&#;s product description doesn&#;t mention a pump or tell you the water pressure, you should assume it works with low water pressure and provides a lower degree of evaporative cooling.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Mist Fan.

Performance and satisfaction with the product can be subjective. Your weather and the way the outdoor misting fans are set up can affect their performance. The quality of the mist might bother you but be fine for someone else. The noise from the fan might be fine for someone else but be too noisy for you.

You may find that comments from people who have used the product or others like it will be especially helpful to you. If you&#;re not sure about a certain product, it can be really helpful to read what others have said about it.

It can give you peace of mind to contact the seller or manufacturer with any questions before you purchase. Especially since some of the more powerful fans can get expensive. What is their return policy? Many makers and sellers of outdoor misting fans want you to be comfortable with your purchase and know that a happy customer is good advertising.

Other Outdoor Cooling Methods

Take a look at our comparison page to learn which cooling methods may be best for you.

Outdoor fans work well on their own and combine well with misting systems for added cooling effect. Misting fans are a clear example of how misting systems work with another cooling method to maximize cooling.

Swamp coolers (desert coolers) use a similar technology as misting systems, but in a contained unit.

Outdoor shades are a nearly universal solution that can add to the cooling effect of all cooling solutions.

Portable air conditioners can be the best outdoor cooling solution for special circumstances.

Which pump is suitable for a mist fan?

Which pump is suitable for a mist fan?

  • Thread starter

    Kashif Usman

  • Start date

    Apr 16,
  • Tags

    Fan Pump

In summary, the conversation is about the creation of a mist fan for cooling purposes. The person is seeking guidance on the specifications for the fan, including tube diameter, nozzle specifications, and pump specifications. They mention that the mist should be low level and reach about 4 to 5 feet. The level of mist required depends on the intended use, with a finer mist and higher pressure needed for evaporative cooling for people. The person also mentions that they are a bird lover and live in a hot climate, with water being stored in tanks.

  • Apr 16,
  • #1

Kashif Usman


Dear All,

Would you please guide me regarding I want to make a mist fan. A low level mist is required almost 4 to 5 feet. I need all information regarding tube dia, nozzal specification specially pump specification.

Thanks in advance.


Kashif Usman


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  • Apr 16,
  • #2




Welcome to PF!

How misty? The finer the mist, the higher the required pressure. If you're looking to "mist" flowers, it won't need to be too high, but if you are looking to do evaporative cooling for people, you'll want a much finer mist and higher pressure. And how much water (flow rate)?


  • Apr 17,
  • #3

Kashif Usman


russ_watters said:

Welcome to PF!

How misty? The finer the mist, the higher the required pressure. If you're looking to "mist" flowers, it won't need to be too high, but if you are looking to do evaporative cooling for people, you'll want a much finer mist and higher pressure. And how much water (flow rate)?

Thanks for reply. its all about cooling but not for people... I am bird lover and in Karachi, Pakistan temperature is almost 42 C. Water is stored in tanks.

Thanks for reply. its all about cooling but not for people... I am bird lover and in Karachi, Pakistan temperature is almost 42 C. Water is stored in tanks.


Related to Which pump is suitable for a mist fan?

1. What are the important factors to consider when choosing a pump for a mist fan?

The important factors to consider when choosing a pump for a mist fan are the flow rate, pressure, power source, and compatibility with the mist fan system. The flow rate determines how much water the pump can deliver, and the pressure determines the force at which the water is delivered. The power source can be either electric or manual, and it is important to ensure that the pump is compatible with the mist fan system to ensure proper functioning.

2. Is a high flow rate or high pressure more important for a mist fan pump?

Both the flow rate and pressure are important for a mist fan pump. A high flow rate is important to ensure that enough water is delivered to create a fine mist, while a high pressure is important to ensure that the mist is sprayed with enough force to reach a wider area. It is best to choose a pump that has both a high flow rate and high pressure.

3. Can any pump be used for a mist fan?

No, not all pumps are suitable for a mist fan. It is important to choose a pump specifically designed for misting applications. These pumps are designed to handle the high flow rate and pressure needed for misting, and they also have features such as corrosion resistance and low noise levels that are important for mist fan use.

4. How do I determine the right size of pump for my mist fan?

The right size of pump for a mist fan depends on the size and capacity of your mist fan system. It is important to match the flow rate and pressure of the pump with the mist fan's requirements. You can refer to the mist fan manufacturer's specifications or consult with a professional to determine the right size of pump for your mist fan.

5. Are there any maintenance or upkeep requirements for a mist fan pump?

Yes, mist fan pumps require regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure optimal performance. This can include cleaning the pump and its components, checking for any leaks or damage, and replacing any worn out parts. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and schedule for maintenance to prolong the life of the pump.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Stand Fan.





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