Asian Pears for Lung Health
Dec. 30, 2024
Asian Pears for Lung Health
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With the onset of Fall and the recent wild fires on the West Coast, we have to pay particular attention to the energetics and health of the Lungs.
In both Chinese Medicine and Western medicine, our Lungs function best when they are moist and free of excess phlegm. Just as in nature, fire and smoke are scorching and drying to our Lungs which can lead to symptoms like dry throat, coughing and difficulty breathing. The nature of Autumn is drying so it is also important to nourish fluids. Keeping our Lung energy healthy also supports our immune system via our Wei Qi (Defensive Qi) and our skin.
Asian pears (or any variety of pear) are a great way to nourish and support Lung health and replenish fluids. It's delish as is but you can also try steaming it with honey, walnuts, and cinnamon or ginger for a yummy nourishing treat. Eat the pear and save the steaming liquid for a refreshing drink.
You can also try this recipe from "Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen" for a baked Ginger Honey Pear. This dish is great for addressing dry throat, asthma, cough, and even upset stomach, or nausea.
2 medium-sized pears, peeled
2 TBS honey (raw, local is best)
2 TBS grated fresh ginger
3 TBS water (room temp or warm)
For more Chinese Snow Pearinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
Preheat your oven to 350°F
Cut off the top third for each pear and set it aside. Cut out the core of the bottom part of the pear, making a hold but leaving the bottom and outside intact. Place the cut pears in a glass or ceramic dish.
In a small bowl, combine the honey, ginger, and water. Heat the mixture if needed to dissolve the honey.
Place the ginger mixture inside the cored pears. Replace the tops of each pear and brush the outside of the pear with the ginger mixture. Save the remaining sauce for later.
Baked the pear for 10 to 12 minutes, until they have begun to soften.
Take the pears out of the oven. Drizzle the remaining sauce over them and then return the pears to the oven.
Broil on a high setting for 3 to 5 minutes, until the glaze has caramelized.
Serve warm and enjoy!
Pear & Goji Berry Tea for Relieving a Cough
Get on top of a persistent cough with this quick and easy remedy
Pears are the go-to for any chest congestion or cough. They are nourishing and healing aiding with reducing phlegm. When you have a dry or productive cough or chest congestion you can make this simple tea recipe to help the body expel the mucus, opening the chest to help with breathing.
The pears clear heat, working on the Lungs, Stomach and digestive system. They are sweet and cooling in nature, making them beneficial in healing colds and flu. They have a moistening property, great for a dry cough, and help to relief a sore or dry throat.
In this tea, pears, goji berries, and honey help to moisten the Lungs, while pungent and fresh ginger help to move the feeling in your chest that can be heavy or tight. This is a wonderful tea for a persistent cough, perfect to sip the warm juice throughout the day and eat the pear as a dessert to relief coughing throughout the night. Perfect for children as it is nourishing and can be a staple throughout the colder months to keep their immune system boosted.
5 cups of filtered Water or enough to cover the pears.
3 - 4 medium size pears, Organic where possible, peel and poach whole or cut, core and chop in 3 - 4 cm pieces
3 tbsp dried Goji Berries
1 cinnamon stick
Small knob of ginger sliced - Dont add if there is phlegm that is yellow or green as it is too heating.
1 tbsp raw honey
Bring water to a boil
Add whole pears or chopped.
Add Goji Berries.
Add Ginger and cinnamon.
Cover and simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes.
Cool for a few minutes, strain into a container
Add Honey, and enjoy!
Store the remaining liquid, Goji and Pears together in the fridge, and eat when desired.
Serve before bed to stop coughing. Drink the juice throughout the day to nourish and moisten the throat.
Store the liquid in a larger jar in the fridge. It will keep for 3-4 days. Repeat the recipe as often as you need, we have it on rotation in our home throughout Autumn and Winter.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Huangguan Pear.
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