What does a wrapping machine do?
Dec. 02, 2024
Learn About 4 Different Types of Wrapping Machines for Your ...
Find out how wrapping machines can be used for many applications such as small round items, rectangular cartons, horizontal trays, large flat products and more. Learn about the most common categories of wrapping machines in the latest "Package This" episode.
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Welcome to Package This your guide to packaging machinery and materials. Todays episode is dedicated to the four main types of wrapping equipment:
While each type is a distinct technology, all take a flexible packaging material such as usually film but also foil or paper and envelop it around a product.
Flow Wrappers
First off, lets look at flow wrappers, which wrap individual packages or products such as candy bars by forming a continuous stream of material into a tube shape around the item that is later sealed and cut. In this example from Syntegon, we see just how flexible and versatile a flow wrapping system can be.
Syntegon flow wrappers handle a wide variety of products and are compatible with many infeed and loading systems. Designed to be highly accessible, these flow wrappers allow for fast changeovers and easy maintenance. Hygienic features are often important in flow wrapping, and these Syntegon machines feature stainless steel designs; some models are also equipped with advanced washdown features.
To hold up for long production runs, flow wrappers need to be robust and reliable. This flow wrapper is built for continuous operation, utilizing production proven technology and high-quality parts.
Shrink wrappers
Shrink wrappers are another type of wrapper that uses heat-shrinkable film. These machines run all sizes of products, including items with irregular shapes or sharp edges.
For example, these shrink wrappers from Eastey do automatic sealing and shrink wrapping of a wide variety of products, from toys and sporting goods to canned goods and more. Available with a hot knife seal head, Easteys VSA shrink wrapper features a powered takeaway mesh conveyor, motorized seal height adjustment, magnetic clamping, and automatic cycle timing to ensure a proper seal.
Some applications may require a large seal area, and Easteys VSA is designed with a 17-inch-wide by 21-inch-long seal area for packages up to 5 inches tall. Easteysautomatic seal system is designed for efficiency, allowing users to seal up to 30 packages per minute.
Overwrappers are machines that are typically designed to package flat, straight-edged products such as cartons or flat boxes. Overwrapping equipment is often used to provide an additional layer of protection to a primary package, such as wrapping clear plastic film over a small carton containing a perfume bottle or overwrapping a carton of tea with cellophane.
The overwrapping process starts by pushing the product through heat-sealable film that is cut from a larger roll. The film is then tucked and folded around the product before heated plates seal the film with a tight crease, giving the package an appearance that is reminiscent of gift wrapping.
Twist wrappers
Last but not least is a specialty type of wrapping machine: twist wrappers. Also known as bunch wrappers, these machines are widely used in the confectionery industry to package small, individual units such as hard candies and bonbons. In a typical twist wrapping application, the product is fed and staged in line for wrapping.
At the same time, the machine unwinds the film rollstock to get the precise amount of film needed to wrap the product, cuts the film to size, and pushes the piece to be wrapped into place around the film. Then the rotary grippers grab the two ends to quickly fold and twist film around the product, forming the double twist wrap.
And thats a wrap! We hope you enjoyed this overview of the most common types of wrapping equipment used in packaging! Before you go, please like and share this video with your colleagues on LinkedIn! Join us for more videos on packaging machinery and materials by subscribing to our full Package This series on YouTube.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit paper roll wrapping machine.
And if youre in the market for new wrapping equipment or any other machines or packaging materials, be sure to check out PMMI ProSource, North Americas most complete packaging and processing directory with over 1,000 of the top suppliers. Thanks for watching and until our next video, keep on packaging!
What Do You Use Stretch Wrapping Machines For?
Technology has changed a great deal in the past few decades. Consequently, so has the ways in which companies package and ship their products. Before such technology became commonplace, most processes were slowly and laboriously done by hand. Nowadays, these processes are handled by specialized equipment that makes them easier, faster, and more precise than ever before. The piece of revolutionary packaging equipment youve likely heard about is the stretch wrapping machine. There are many benefits to using stretch wrapping machines at your packaging facility, from boosted production levels to increased protection for your products. But what do you use stretch wrapping machines for, exactly? What are they, and how do they work? In this guide, well go over everything you need to know about stretch wrappers and their use.
What Are Stretch Wrappers?
A stretch wrap machine is a piece of equipment that automatically wraps pallets with stretch wrap. This keeps the products housed inside of the pallet contained and safe from damage. The main purposes of stretch wrapping are to make products easier to transport in bulk and protect individual products from damage during shipping, so they arrive at their destination point unharmed. Although pallet loads can be wrapped by hand, using machines is the faster, more reliable, and more accurate method due to a couple of reasons that well delve into later.
Though all stretch wrappers are designed with the same end goal in mindto wrap something with stretch wraptheir visual appearance and the way they function varies depending on their design and whether theyre semi-automatic or fully automatic.
The Types of Stretch Wrappers
When it comes to stretch wrapping machines, there are a lot of different options in terms of design and functionality. The most popular types include turntable, rotary arm, and horizontal configurations.
A turntable stretch wrapping machine will feature a turntable, which is a round, revolving platform that turns in a circle while the stretch film is dispensed and applied to the pallet load. This kind of stretch wrapper is ideal for use with most applications, making it extremely versatile.
Rotary Arm
A mechanical arm that rotates around and wraps the pallet is the key feature of rotary arm stretch wrappers. This kind of stretch wrapper is ideal for use with loads that are on either end of the weight spectrum. Whether the load is super light or super heavy, a rotary arm will work with it perfectly.
A horizontal wrapper dispenses the stretch film from around a ring that surrounds a horizontally laid product. This kind of stretch wrapper is ideal for wrapping lengthy items that would otherwise be hard to wrap, such as windows, doors, lumber, textiles, copper piping, and corrugated tubes.
How Stretch Wrappers Work
The way that stretch wrapping machines work depends on whether the machine in question is semi-automatic or automatic.
As the name suggests, an automatic stretch wrapping machine does everything automatically. It carries a pallet to the wrap zone via roller conveyors. Once the machine is done wrapping the pallet, it sends it to the end of the packaging line down the exit conveyor. The next pallet is transferred to the wrap zone, and the process repeats.
A semi-automatic stretch wrapper works similarly to an automatic one. The main difference between the two is that the semi-automatic stretch wrappers require an operator to be present to load and unload the pallet and if needed manually adjust the machinery throughout the process.
Why Should I Use Stretch Wrappers?
You know what stretch wrappers are, the different types of stretch wrapping machines, and how each of their configurations work. But what do you use stretch wrapping machines for? What can these automatic machines do to improve your businesss efficiency and bottom line? Well, it turns out they can do quite a lot.
Many business owners wrongly assume that hand-wrapping will save them money. You wont have to spend on machinery if you stick to hand wrapping, they think, and thats truehowever, wrapping something by hand is a terribly inefficient and unreliable method thatll cost you more in the long run than purchasing and operating stretch wrapping machinery would. A small business might be able to get by just fine with hand wrapping, but if youre wrapping more than ten loads in a day, youd be much better off automating the process. There are a couple of reasons for this, which well discuss below.
Machines Are More Reliable Than Humans
Your employees might be reliable, but its hard to beat the consistency of machines. Mistakes are only human, and your workers are bound to make the occasional blunder. They might struggle to wrap with the right amount of containment force or end up using more stretch wrap than necessary. Machines, on the other hand, will use the right amount of containment force, as well as stretch wrap, each and every time. In applying the correct amount of containment force, machines ensure that your products remain safe during transit and arrive at their destination safely. Theyll also stretch the film more than can be done manually, getting the most out of your stretch film investment. How, might you ask? Lets find out.
Hand Film Doesnt Equal Stretch Film
Hand wrapping will give you anywhere from 10 to 20 percent stretch of the film. Machine wrapping, on the other hand, can give you anywhere from 200 to 300 percent. Stretch wrappers are now being introduced that get up to 500 percent pre-stretch. By automating the stretch wrapping process, youll save money on film. This is because the right stretch wrapping technology will pre-stretch the film, allowing you to get more done with less and stretch the use of a single roll of film further.
To sum things up, stretch wrapping machines are used because theyre a much better alternative to hand wrapping loads. Theyre faster, more reliable, and more cost-effective, amongst numerous other benefits.
If youre planning on making the switch from hand wrapping to machine wrapping, Robopac USA has semi-automatic pallet wrappers and other state-of-the-art secondary packaging equipment that can benefit your business. We create our machinery with the latest, most efficient technology and are dedicated to providing our customers with the information and support they need to get the most out of their machines. Come and shop with us today!
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Orbital Stretch Film Packaging Solutions.
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